Thursday, June 14, 2012

George Zimmerman Afraid After Wife’s Mug Shot Goes Public

Defense lawyer Mark O'Mara says his client is "worried" about Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, whose perjury arrest put her in the spotlight. 

Shellie Zimmerman mug shot causes concern for her safety.

Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman is concerned for the safety of his wife, Shellie, after news of her arrest made national headlines earlier this week and her mug shot was seen across news outlets.
"Certainly now that she's been charged with a crime he's worried about her, and also worried now that she's out in the public eye," Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, told ABC News. O'Mara says there are "legitimate safety concerns."

Shellie Zimmerman was arrested and charged with one count of perjury after prosecutors discovered she lied about her family’s finances at her husband’s April 20 bond hearing. She told the court the couple was essentially broke when, in fact, Zimmerman had access to $135,000 in donations raised in an online defense fund.
Before the arrest, Shellie Zimmerman chose to live in hiding because of numerous death threats received against her husband and family; she testified at Zimmerman’s televised bond hearing via telephone to protect her identity. The mug shot was the first time the public has seen her.
On Wednesday, a Florida judge ordered the release of additional evidence in the case, including an autopsy report, photographs of the crime scene and details of what George Zimmerman said to police the night he shot Trayvon. Part of the evidence also revealed details of a private conversation between George Zimmerman and his wife, in which Zimmerman replies, “hell no,” when asked by Shellie whether the more than $135,000 in donations should be used for his bond. Zimmerman was released on $150,000 bail following that initial hearing, but his bond was revoked weeks later after prosecutors learned the couple “misrepresented, misled and deceived the court” about their finances.

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