Friday, July 27, 2012

Marcus King’s Bad Luck with Jamie’s (Foxx & King)

Marcus King may have gotten much more than he bargained when he and his wife, Jamie, decided to divorce.That’s because when his marriage ended, King’s business relationship with Jamie Foxx ended right along with it.

During Marcus and Jamie King’s ‘Battle of the Roses’-type legal break-up, the couple jointly managed Jamie Foxx. Their messy divorce diverted the pair’s time and energy away from comedian Jamie Foxx’s then budding career. Sources say that’s when Marcus’ very own cousin stepped in, telling Jamie Foxx he was missing out on movie roles because of his poor management – leading Foxx to fire King Management.
Now, Marcus King may want to stay clear of anyone with the name ‘Jamie’. Don’t you agree?
Here’s the drop:
“Things got really bad when Marcus King’s cousin was working strenuous hours for King management, and wasn’t getting paid. Marcus’ cousin was so pissed, that’s why he stepped to Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx hired Jamie King later as a consultant, he don’t f*ck with Marcus because he’s dogging his name out on the streets.”
King Management is divided three ways :
  • Marcus King owns 30%
  • Jamie King owns 30%
  • Jamie King’s dad owns 40%. He also fronted the money to start the company

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