The Certification Process
The process begins with an independent sales audit of each title by
Gelfand, Rennert & Feldman, an accounting firm that has been
auditing title sales for the RIAA® for 30 some years.
The audit calculates what product has been shipped for sale, net
after returns, versus product used for promotional purposes, for the
life of the release. When certifying audio and music video releases,
the independent auditor is careful to survey the entire music
marketplace. An artist's Gold® or Platinum® award represents sales
through retail, record clubs, rack jobbers, and all other ancillary
markets that legitimately distribute recorded music. Once a title’s
sales has been audited and verified as having reached requisite levels, a
formal certification report is issued and sent to the title's music
We are often asked why we don’t just use sales figures from
SoundScan. SoundScan measures over-the-counter sales at music retail
locations, while the RIAA®'s certification levels are based on unit
shipments (minus returns) from manufacturers to a wide range of
accounts, including non-retail record clubs, mail order houses,
specialty stores, units shipped for Internet fulfillment or direct
marketing sales, such as TV-advertised albums. Another difference is
that SoundScan's archive only begins in 1991, while the RIAA has tracked
artists' sales levels for more than 50 years.

All certification audits are conducted for a fee. If
multiple sales levels are simultaneously certified, only one audit
certification fee is charged. Companies requesting their initial
certification audit must incur any travel expenses by the RIAA®'s
independent auditor. The charge for certifications is $350 for
RIAA® member companies. Non-members are charged $450 per certification,
which must be pre-paid. Companies will be charged the full
audit certification fee for any requests that do not meet the Gold® and
Platinum® Program requirements.
A 30-day time limit is set for pending certifications. If a full
audit cannot be completed within this time, a charge of $100 will be
rendered to member companies and $200 to non-member companies.
Requests for audio and music video certification may be made to the RIAA®. Companies must submit one copy of the audio or music video product upon certification request. All versions of the title's catalog must be represented.
The following information must also be made available:
Music Company
Music Label
Configuration (single, shortform, album or music video)
Level (Gold®, Platinum® and/or Multi-Platinum™)
Selection or Catalog Number
Release Date
Billing Contact & Address
Please send certification requests by phone or mail to:
RIAA® Gold® and Platinum® Certification
1025 F ST N.W., 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 775-0101 phone
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