Friday, December 28, 2012

Mobile Devices, Especially Tablets, Have Huge Christmas

If you got a smartphone or tablet computer for Christmas, you were hardly alone.
Flurry, a mobile analytics company that tracks use of mobile apps, says 17.4 million new iOS and Android devices were activated on Christmas day, a 255% increase from 6.8 million on Christmas Day 2011 and a 332% increase over the December baseline of 4.0 million per day established the first 20 days of the month (see chart above).

Naturally, an influx of new devices means a need for apps for those devices. App downloads on Christmas Day increased 112% to 328 million from the 155 million-per-day December baseline.

Tablets were the story of Christmas 2012. Flurry says tablets were 51% of device activations on Christmas Day compared to 20% during the December baseline period. Apple's iPad and iPad Mini were big hits but so was Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7" tablet. Amazon grew "by several thousand percent" over its December baseline, according to Flurry.

Although Amazon did not disclose how many units were sold, the company said Thursday the Kindle Fire HD has been the company's best-selling, most-gifted and most wished for product since its release 15 weeks ago. The day before Christmas, also known as "Cyber Monday," was the biggest day for Kindle sales worldwide.

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