Wednesday, June 13, 2012

From the Desk of...


There are two main accounting systems you might use for you A&R business; CASH METHOD and the ACCRUAL METHOD. You and your accountant will need to decide on one or the other, based on a variety of factors.

The Cash method
This is the easiest way most people keep track of their personal finances or money. Simply put, you receive in, income and money you spend out, on expenses. This is the easiest to understand and usually the easiest to use.

The Accrual Method
The more complex but there is tax advantages. The accrual method simply says that just because you have some money, it doesn’t mean that you did any work for it yet. Also, just because you paid an invoice doesn't mean you received the goods yet.

There are two methods that you can use to maintain your books. The Shoe Box Method or the PC Accounting Method.

Shoe Box Method
Get a shoe box throw everything pertaining to business in it and let and account figure out what each piece of paper is accounted for.

PC Accounting Method
Use Peachtree, Quickbooks or any accounting program to track your expenses.
With you use either method, use an accountant at year end for your books.

Kamal D. Jabbar

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